Current Series: "Playing God"
Tuesday, April 8 at 7pm
The Gladstone Theatre
Crime and Punishment - adapted by Marilyn Campbell and Curt Columbus, and from the novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The "Common Good" and the "Social Contract". Defining what's "good" and who gets to decide. Where do we get morality from and is it subjective? When does idealism and "well-meaning" go too far? You say 'utopia', I say 'dystopia'.
Facilitated discussion with 9th Hour artists and special guest Arkadi Klioutchanski, a part-time professor at the University of Ottawa where he has been teaching various courses on Russian language and culture since 2005. His professional interests include the 19th century Russian literature and its greatest writers such as Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy. Most of the cultural courses he teaches include reading and discussion of "Crime and Punishment".
Wednesday, June 25
Location to be determined​
​Frankenstein AI - an original work by 9th Hour Theatre Company
Is artificial intelligence a hazard or tool? Friend or foe? Who should get to control it and for what purposes? How do we define what is intelligent and what is artificial? Does it replace human jobs or free humanity from burdens?
Special guest to be confirmed soon.
September, 2025
Location to be determined
​​​The God Committee - by Mark St. Germain (Freud's Last Session)
What makes a life have value and who gets to decide? What role does suffering play in life? Where does individual autonomy come in? What is the relationship between Life and Death? When does life begin and end?
Special guest to be confirmed soon.

What is Gleanings?
The first half of the evening is a dramatic play reading or other performance by professional artists. After a brief intermission, the second half of the evening is a facilitated discussion with some of the artists and special guests to get the conversation going before the audience is welcome to participate or simply observe. The discussion will have a high emphasis on listening to and learning from other points of view in order to 'glean' richer and deeper understanding about complex issues and ideas. It's a forum for intellectually curious people who enjoy meaningful nuanced discussion.
Participants in the Gleanings forum come open minded to "glean" wisdom and knowledge from the perspectives and experiences of others in order to develop a richer understanding of a subject and greater respect for those who might see things differently. It's about creating space for conversation that considers many ideas and perspectives, rather than a binary debate with a clear outcome. It's about the questions asked, often leading to even more questions and conversation.​
​Consider applying to become a Gleanings Facilitator or Contributor.