The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2018)
date. December, 2018
venue. Meridian Theatres at Centrepointe
& Shenkman Arts Centre
credits. C.S. Lewis, Joseph Robinette

“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
9th Hour Theatre Company brings back the deep magic of Narnia to the Ottawa stage with the beloved characters and timeless story by C.S. Lewis. Rediscover the magic of Narnia through the magic of theatre with this classic tale of good and evil, talking animals, the bravery of children, and a sacrifice of love.
9th Hour was pleased to accept donations after every performance on behalf of our partnering charity OrKidstra, and ended up raising over $5,000 over the run of performances. OrKidstra is a social development program that empowers kids from under-served Ottawa communities by teaching life skills – such as teamwork, commitment, respect and pride in achievement – through playing and singing music together.
Check out a review in Convivium by Rachel Feddema called Waiting for Aslan.
RUTH ALLISON (Costume Designer) | CARE BALDWIN (Assistant Director) | DALENE GALLO (Make-up & Hair Designer) | GEORGE DUTCH (Dramaturge) | JONATHAN HARRIS (Director) | CAMERON A. MACDONALD (Lighting Designer) | SUSAN MARRINER (Graphics Designer) | CALEB ROBINSON (Assistant Make-up Designer) | TERESA SEASONS (Properties Designer) | MARGARET SMITH (Composer) | ANDREA STEINWAND (Set Designer) | J. KATRINA WONG (Sound Designer)
FLO ALEXANDER (Production & Hospitality Coordinator) | ISABEL BATTEN (Second Assistant Stage Manager) | ALEXANDRA BENDER (Community Engagement Director) | SHARON DICKSON (Stage Manager) | SARAH KNOWLES (Production Photographer) JENNA LAFORET (Costume Assistant) | ROB LINKE (Managing Director) | CAMERON A. MACDONALD (Technical Director) | TINA SEGRETO (Front-of-House Manager) | CHRIS SPENCER (Promotional Videographer) | TANYA SYLVESTER (Assistant Stage Manager)
TROY ARSENIAN (A Centaur) | MARISOL CAVAS (Lucy) | TOM CHARLEBOIS (Father Christmas) | GEORGE DUTCH (Mr. Beaver) | GABRIELLA GADSBY (The Dwarf) | ABIGAIL GRAVES (An Elf) | PETER GRAVES (Aslan) | KENNY HAYES (Mr. Tumnus) | JULIE KEVAN (Mrs. Beaver) | IAN MCMULLEN (Peter) | CARLEY RICHARDS (Fenris Ulf) | MORGAN ROY (A Unicorn) | REBECCA RUSSELL (The White Witch) | JACOB SEGRETO (Edmund) | CLARA SILCOFF (Susan)